Editorials Proposals

MICROBIOTA Struttura e Traslazione
Autor: Prof. Francesco Di Pierrro

It is a truly modern treatise on microbiomics, exhaustive, concrete, full of images and dynamically updated via QR code.  The text is aimed at doctors, nutritionists and scientists who wish to keep up with the tumultuous pace of microbiome research by giving the tools, not only to understand this world in depth and their complex network of interactions with the human organism, but also offers  the knowledge necessary to be able to delve into the reading of the ever-expanding scientific production in a casual and critical manner. The first chapters of the book deal with the basic notions to understand the metagenome from nomenclature and analytical procedures, then passing through the concepts of eubiosis and dysbiosis, biodiversity, enterotypes, equilibrium relationships, microbial networks, interactions and covariances. In the following chapters, the metabolic mediators of bacteria are described and how diet, antibiotics and botanicals can act on the colonic fecal microbiota. Finally, in the last chapters, the structural and consortium characteristics and the modulation and intervention strategies on the vaginal microbiota and fecal microbiota of the preterm, newborn, infancy and up to the adult are described. 

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Probiotics and Child Gastrointestinal Health


This volume, written by several authors and coordinated by prof. Guandalini and doctor Indrio, who addresses various topics dear to us: the modulation of the microbiota in the first 1000 days of life, necrotizing enterocolitis and the microbiota of preterm newborns, prevention and treatment of infantile colic, food allergies and microbiota, probiotics, inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease.

Link to purchase the paper volume, PDF or individual chapters


Autor: Marco Pignatti 

This text responds to the need, which has grown recently, of many researchers and many companies that have begun to take a real interest in the topic of microbiota in the dermatological field. In addition, this new book wants to be a guide for the dermatologist, and not only, who wants to start putting these important new acquisitions into practice.

"In these three years of congresses, courses and webinars," explains Marco Pignatti, author of the book, "I have realized that the brain-gut-microbiota-skin connection is not only of interest to the dermatologist, but also dietitians and nutritionists, pediatricians, psychologists and pharmacists and a long list of professionals for whom this book was designed."

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Genesis of the microbiota; clinical microbiomics of the maternal-infant dyad 
Authors: Mariarosaria Matera, Ilaria Cavecchia

"Genesis of the microbiota; clinical microbiomics of the maternal-infant dyad" is a book written by two doctors and aims to bring concepts that have mainly been the subject of speculative studies into clinical practice. The text deals with the fascinating process of creating the microbiota of the unborn child, which originates above all from the inheritance of maternal bacteria and which is shaped by preconceptional, intrauterine events and in the various phases of life. We will analyze together the importance of establishing a eubiotic microbiota in the early stages of life and see how this will influence health in subsequent periods. We will see how maternal dysbiosis, before or during pregnancy, inevitably affects the child through pathways unknown until a few years ago (mouth-placenta-lung axis, intestine-brain axis...). Finally, the authors offer suggestions for bacterial and dietary therapy to treat maternal and infantile dysbiosis. The book is characterized by a very discursive style and is enriched with beautiful and numerous images that facilitate understanding of the text.

Link to purchase:  https://libri-universitari.eu/home/89058-genesi-del-microbiota-microbiomica-clinica-della-diade-materno-infantile.html

Argomenti di Terapia Batterica
Autore: F. Di Pierro

This text talks about how it is possible to insert oneself into the daily war between bacteria by exploiting it to one's advantage, implementing a real "bacterial replacement therapy".
It is a text written to tell how to prevent some infectious diseases that have high recurrence rates using "bioprotics which is based on the ability to create ecological competition in the tissues in which the infection could occur. 

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