The Board



Biologist, nutritionist and PhD in Immunology.
Scientific Director, Research and Development of Velleja Research (PC); Editor-in-Chief for Nutrafoods (PC); President of MyMicrobiota (CR)


Vice President

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies address fitness and health products, Doctor of Molecular Biology, Health and Nutrition, Doctor-Surgeon, Doctor of Sciences and Techniques of Preventive Motor Activities and adapted with University Master of first level in Scientific Communication, Feder CONI Graduate as technician of different sports disciplines. Fellowship of the European Sport Nutrition Society and associate member of the Italian Sports Medical Federation. 
Lecturer for the course "Applied Dietetic Sciences and Techniques" (MED-49) at the University of Urbino. Lecturer at the Master’s Degree Course and specialization courses at the University of Camerino, the University of Siena and the University of Pavia.
Nutritionist at private facilities, sports clubs, national teams and in the management of national and international athletes. It deals with the preparation and management of competitive competitions up to the Olympic level and expeditions and competitions in extreme environments (from the Arctic to the desert). 
He deals with research in the fields of nutrition, nutraceutical and anthropometric, probiotics and the study of the microbiota mainly declined in nutritional, metabolic and sports.



Medical Doctor and Infections Diseases Specialist with postgraduate diploma in Tropical Medicine & international Health Head of the Center of Microbiomic Clinic of the Koelliker Hospital in Turin.



Medical Doctor and Pediatrician with Master in Neonatology. Hospital doctor in the Department of Emergency Pediatric Emergencies of the Hospital Misericordia of Grosseto. Head of the Neuroevolutionary Follow-up Clinic and the Pediatric Clinical Microbiome Clinic.