

From Article 7 of the Statute: Only those who work professionally in the disciplinary field of legally recognized health professions, with research activities and professional applications concerning the study of microbiota and therapeutic strategies aimed at its modulation, can obtain the status of member (…). 
There are three categories of members:
founders (those who have signed the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association and are responsible for the initial costs of incorporation);
ordinary (those who pay the membership fee established annually by the assembly and are in possession of the requisites established by the internal regulation);
honoraria (persons appointed as such by the Assembly for particular merits acquired in favor of the Association) (…).
The temporary nature of participation in the associative life is expressly excluded. The membership fee is non-transferable (…).
Members have the duty to pay the annual membership fee in the terms defined by the Board of Directors and to respect the present Statute and the Internal Regulations of the Association.

May join MICS:

Pharmacists, Surgeons, Dentists, Veterinarians, Biologists, Psychologists, Nurses, Pediatric Nurses, Obstetricians, Osteopaths, Biomedical Laboratory Health Technicians, Neurophysiopathology Technicians, Dental Hygienists, Dietitians, Physiotherapists, Neuro and Psychomotor Therapists of the Developmental Age, Rehabilitation Technicians Psychiatric.

Benefits of being a member:

MICS member:

  • will receive updates on MICS scientific activities (meetings, round tables, congresses);
  • will receive the monthly newsletter in which particularly interesting recently published articles will be highlighted and commented on and you will also be updated on the initiatives of the members themselves;
  • will be able to take part in the study groups currently set up, in the meetings and in the training activities planned by them.

Membership dues for the year 2024

Ordinary Members: Euro 70.00
Under 30 members (have not yet turned 30): Euro 30.00
Graduates under 30 (have not yet turned 30): free


You can request to be a MICS member filling in the appropriate ONLINE FORM (click here to proceed and, subsequently, on the REGISTER button) and attaching a brief academic and professional Curriculum.

Periodically, approximately every 10 working days, applications for admission are sent to the MICS Board of Directors for approval.

Following the resolution, the Secretariat will send the outcome of the evaluation by email and, if positive, the access credentials to the private area for the payment of the membership fee (to be made within 7 days by bank transfer or credit card) and access to reserved documents. 

Attention! Bank transfers are recorded on the membership profile only after verification on the Bank account, following the periodic update).



In order to renew your membership fee, you must access your private area using your personal login credentials, then check (and if necessary update) your personal data in the "Manage profile" section, and finally check your membership position in the section "Economic Report". From the dashboard, select the membership fee to be paid by clicking on "pay fee" and then the chosen payment method (credit card or bank transfer).


Receipts for to membership fee payments are issued periodically by the secretariat and can be downloaded from your private area, within the "Economic Report" section in pdf format.


From the art. 8 of the Statute: Loss of membership

Members cease to belong to the association for the following reasons: 

  1. withdrawal of the shareholder; by written communication to the Board of Directors;
  2. forfeiture due to arrears; the member is deemed to have lapsed in the event that he is in the condition of not having complied with the payment of the membership fees for a period exceeding 12 months, after which two reminders from the Treasurer have occurred without acknowledgment; the member who has lapsed due to non-payment and wishes to renew membership of the association is in any case required to pay the arrears of the last two financial years;
  3. in cases where:

a) fails to observe the resolutions of the Assembly or of the Council or fails to fulfill the obligations of collaboration undertaken with the Association without justified reason;

b) foments disputes, unrest among the members or carries out activities in contrast with those of the Association.

 The exclusion of the member may be decided by the Board of Directors having heard the mandatory but non-binding opinion of the Board of Arbitrators, which will operate in compliance with the procedure set out in the Regulations. The resolution of exclusion is ratified by the assembly at the first opportunity.

  1. death of the partner.