Technical-Scientific Committee

COORDINATOR of the Scientific Technical Committee

LORENZO DRAGO is Professor of Clinical Microbiology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health of the School of Medicine in Milan, Italy. His scientific interests include microbiome investigations and host microbial interactions, probiotics, biofilms and antibiotic resistance, implant-related infections laboratory diagnosis. He is considered one the most leading expert in Microbiome and Probiotics studies. 

He was Past-President of the International Society of Microbiota, past-member of the board of directors of the European Society of Bone and Joints Infections (EBJIS) and co-founder and executive member of the World Association Against Infections in Orthopedics and Trauma (WAIOT), where he holds the position of Scientific Chairman. In Italy he is member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Clinical Microbiologists Association (AMCLI), and currently coordinator of the GLAM Group for the study of the human Microbiota. He is also an active member of the Italian Society of Microbiology and International Scientific Societies (ESCMID, ASM, ESIDOG).

Prof. Drago has published over 350 articles, 300 of which are peer-reviewed, reaching an Impact Factor of around 600 and almost 6.000 citations, with a Hirsch Index of 43. He is also author of multiple chapters of national and international books. Prof Drago has participated in more than 300 national courses and congresses and in more than 100 congresses worldwide.

Prof. Drago’s Motto is “Microbiology will always remain one of the most important great fields of science"

MEMBERS of the Scientific Technical Committee

prof. Daniele Generali
prof. Stefano Guandalini
prof. Antonio Paoli
prof.ssa Maria Rescigno
dott. Savarino
dott. Roberto Senatori
dott. Giuseppe Varrasi
prof. Qiang Wang
dott. Andrea Zanvit
prof. Nicola Zerbinati


Currently, 12 study groups have been identified, whose referents are part of the MICS CTS:
  • BIOLOGY (CONTACT Prof. Maria Rescigno)
  • DENTISTRY (CONTACT DR. Alberto Zanvit)
  • DERMATOLOGY (CONTACT prof. Nicola Zerbinati)
  • FERTILITY (CONTACT dott.ssa Gemma Fabozzi)
  • GYNECOLOGY (CONTACT Dr. Roberto Senatori)
  • MICROBIOLOGY (CONTACT Prof. Lorenzo Drago)
  • NUTRITION (CONTACT Prof. Antonio Paoli)
  • ONCOLOGY (CONTACT Prof. Daniele Generali)
  • PEDIATRICS (CONTACT Dr. Giuseppe Varrasi)